Our voice has body
In her book Our Voice Has Body, Mariana Masetto, a musician, composer and teacher from Argentina, presents practical and thought-provoking ways to develop the voice through yoga. Masetto’s interest in the body-voice connection grew from personal experience. She often felt the desire to break into song while practising yoga and to move her body while singing. Her unique approach focuses on adding movement to sound, pairing certain yoga positions with vocal exercises. Her ideas are well-considered and she includes preparatory, high-intensity, restorative and so-called “unusual” poses to develop the connection between body and voice. Each section is rounded off with introspective questions to help you get the most out of the exercises.
Masetto’s teaching is holistic and deeply rooted in the ancient philosophy of yoga. This is by no means a book about just stretching or relaxation, nor is it a book to read sitting down. It’s a book to have open by the yoga mat or piano, since its value lies in experimenting with the ideas and concepts it offers. Masetto takes on the tough challenge of giving written instruction about two disciplines which are innately practical. Given its depth and complexity, I would recommend this book to those with some experience of yoga, an understanding of anatomy, or singers with strong body awareness. I hope Our Voice Has Body inspires more singers to study the body-voice connection and leads to more research into the value of yoga as an approach to singing.
"Jules Pitcher, iSing magazine"
It is a great pleasure to introduce my new singing method Our Voice Has a Body, an encounter of music and yoga developed through my own experience in wanting to empower mt singing. Ever since I can remember while practicing yoga, I would feel the urge to sing, whereas during my singing lessons, sitting next to some of my teachers’ piano, I would feel the urge to move and activate my body. It became imperative for me to join my two passions, singing and yoga. I started a blog to write down my ideas. Over time, the blog became this book, with practical exercises divided into five parts and 16 chapters, where I expound on the use of body postures when vocalizing to achieve better awareness and balance while singing — an idea that caught my attention from the beginning in the quest for what I call unity.
Mariana Masetto
youtube link "Our voice has body"

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